Tuesday, May 8, 2018

May 8, 1918 - War and War Bond News

While the United States declared war on Germany in April 1917 and against Austria-Hungary in December 1917, American troop deployment to Europe was gradual.  The American Expeditionary Force (U.S. Army) commanded by Major General John J. Pershing only had 14,000 troops in France by July 1917, still few had arrived by January 1918.  The pace of deployment accelerated markedly in the spring and summer of 1918 so that by May about one million U.S. troops were stationed in France.  Overall the American Expeditionary Force sustained 53,402 battle deaths, 63,114 noncombat deaths and 204,000 wounded.  This from the May 8 Evening Public Ledger front page:
May 8 American troop number Public Ledger - MORE THAN 500,000 U. S. TROOPS IN FRANCE, SAYS...

In the mean time Liberty Bonds were still being sold as part of the Third Liberty Loan Drive.   Liberty Bonds came in $50 denominations, but individuals or families of modest means could buy War Savings Stamps with a value as low as 25 cents.  Non-interest bearing 25 cent Thrift stamps could be accumulated to purchase a standard interest bearing $5 War Savings Certificate Stamp.  From page 2 of the May 8 The Philadelphia Inquirer:
May 8 War Savings Stamps Inquirer - UPAND DUCKED - . . TILL HE BUYS STAMPS Loyal -...

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