Tuesday, May 15, 2018

May 15, 1918 - Edith Wetzel

Today Mary goes to the movies to see Heart of the Sunset with coworker, Edith Wetzel.  This they did during a break from work and returned to work immediately afterwards.

Edith M. Wetzel was born October 15, 1899 in New York City to John and Mabel Wetzel.  Both parents were born in Pennsylvania and by 1910 the family was living in Philadelphia.  In 1920 Edith was still working at the telephone company and was a supervisor.  She was still living with her parents and by that time also with three younger brothers.  She married Thomas McAdorey around 1923 and in 1930 she was living with her husband, son and daughter in Philadelphia.  By 1940 the family including her mother were living in Bensalem Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania.  Edith died January 2, 1982 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

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