Saturday, May 12, 2018

May 12, 1918 - Friends visit

Several friends visited this evening.  Among them, Florence Darrah.  Florence is likely the Florence Darrah who was living in Shenandoah, Pennsylvania in 1900 with her parents William and Catherine and seven of her siblings.  Mary O'Neill has other Shenandoah connections.

Florence was likely born June 1. 1895.  By 1920 she was a public school teacher in Pittsgrove Township, New Jersey.  And in 1930 she was living in Atlantic City, NJ, also teaching in public school.  She was at that time living with her "sister" Theresa.  Although she had a sister named Theresa, her sister was several years older.  The Theresa in 1930 is about one year younger than Florence.  In 1940 she is still teaching school in Atlantic City and living with "partner" Theresa.  She died in Atlantic City in May 1974.

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