Thursday, March 22, 2018

Beginning March 22, 1918 and until Easter Sunday on March 31, Mary did no make any entries in her diary.  She provides no explanation for the gap.  Perhaps giving up diary entries for Lent, who knows?!  There are only two other days with no entries until all entries cease later in the year.

So, for the next 9 days I will make periodic entries that relate to "current" events, but also catch up on diary entries since the first one on January 31.  First, though, a catch up on "yesterday's" diary entry.  In addition to writing to Uncle Thomas and others, she also wrote to Helen Dutton.  This is the only mention of Helen Dutton in the diary.  There are a few Helen Duttons found in the 1910 and 1920 U.S. Census in and around the Philadelphia area.  I would assume that she did not live very close, necessitating a letter for communication.  Perhaps, as with other names that will pop up periodically during the year, there may be descendants who might happen upon this blog and be able to provide some input.
An interesting entry on February 2, 1918.  Mary says she went out with "Edith and Miss Egan to take some pictures."  There are three Ediths mentioned in the diary, Edith Wetzel, Edith Hahl and Edith (more often spelled Edythe) Radis.  It is not clear which Edith participated in the picture taking.  However, these photos could have been from that day.  The outfits seem to be of the time and the season may be winter.

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