June 12, 1918 - Miss Buck's wedding
Today's diary entry is a bit confusing. Mary starts by writing that she was back to her regular hours and spent the afternoon knitting. This is followed by a second paragraph about going back to work and working until 10 PM. Between the two paragraphs is the word "omit" in parentheses, the second paragraph also being in parentheses. The remainder of the entry is about enjoying going to "Miss Buck's wedding" but being too late for the ceremony, but attending the reception.
It doesn't appear that Mary could have done all that in one day and I suspect the first paragraph and the second paragraph (with "omit" in between them) may have actually been an inadvertent entry intended for the previous day, to which the note is similar.
Almost certainly Mary was late for Miss Buck's wedding because it was likely in Allentown, Pennsylvania, so Mary would likely have had to take the train. On the morning of June 12 a Miss Helena M. Buck was married to Patrick Toner of Bethlehem, PA. Helena was born February 3, 1895 in Philadelphia, although it is uncertain how Mary might have known her. Helena and her family were living in Philadelphia in 1900, but by 1910 were living in Bethlehem, PA. The couple was living in Bethlehem in 1930, apparently childless. Husband Patrick died April 13, 1932. Helena married again in 1937 to widower Michael McGovern. Helena was living in Bethlehem when she died in April 1974.
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