Friday, May 18, 2018

May 18, 1918 - Helen Gernhardt

Today Mary receives a visit from Helen Gernhardt (Mary spells it Gernhart) and they go shopping together.

Helen was born in February1899 and in 1900 was living in Hazleton City, Pennsylvania with her parents, John and Anna, and her three older brothers.  By 1910 the family was living in Philadelphia and two younger siblings had been added to the family.

Helen married Andrew H. Williams on June 28, 1919 in Manhattan, New York City.  But in 1920 they were living with his aunt and uncle in Washington, D.C., where he was born.  When Helen visited Mary in 1918, Mary indicates that Helen "came home from Washington."  Helen probably already had a relationship with Andrew at that time or met him while she was there.

By 1930 Helen and Andrew were living in Philadelphia with their two sons and two daughters, aged two to nine.  Andrew died September 19, 1931 with his death certificate indicating "inquest pending".
Helen's fate at this time cannot be determined.

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