Tuesday, April 17, 2018

April 17, 1918 - Helen Gernhardt

Today Mary writes a letter to Helen "Gernhart".  This is likely Helen Gernhardt, born in Pennsylvania in February 1899, the same year as Mary.  In the 1900 census she was living in Hazleton, PA with her parents (John A. and Anna C.) and three older brothers.  By 1910 she was living at 2530 28th St. Philadelphia and the family included another brother and sister younger than Helen.

Helen married Andrew Hugo Williams on June 28, 1919 in Manhattan, New York City.  By 1930 they were back in Philadelphia with two sons and two daughters ages ranging from 2 to 9, the youngest boys having been baptized at St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Philadelphia.  Helen's husband died at age 34 on September 19, 1931, the death certificate indicating the cause of death was pending an inquest.

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