Friday, September 21, 2018

September 21, 1918 - Letter from Frank

Today a letter was received from Frank, but not for Mary.  Mary's sister Kathleen (also called "Slicky" because she was a slick dresser) received the letter.  Kathleen did not share the contents with Mary, or Mary was so upset that she couldn't write about what was written in the letter.  This is the one and only time Mary reveals Frank's last name, McBrerity.  There seems little doubt that Frank McBrerity is Mary's beloved Frank.  Mary is understandably distraught that Kathleen received a letter and Mary did not, leading Mary to go "to confession tonight for Frank."  Considering Mary's inconsistent spelling of names, and despite her fondness for him, it is uncertain McBrerity is the correct spelling of his last name.  And searches for him by that name or similar last names, e.g. McBrearty, have so far yielded no certain identification of him.

Meanwhile, the press is starting to document even more cases of influenza, usually downplaying the significance despite it beginning to affect the civilian population and despite the fact that deaths that are occurring amongst military personnel are almost certainly affecting young adults.  This from the second page of today's Evening Public Ledger:

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