Sunday, June 3, 2018

June 3, 1918 - McGinty-Huft wedding

Today Mary attends to previously postponed wedding of her friend Nell (Nellie, Ellen) McGinty to Lieutenant Harry Bryan Joseph Huft of Willow Grove, PA.  Mary went to the church on June 1 when the ceremony was originally scheduled, only to find that the wedding "had been postponed on account of Lieut. Huft not being able to leave camp."   According to the Pennsylvania WWI Veterans Service and Compensation Files, Huft was inducted on September 8, 1917 and discharged "to accept commission" on May 31, 1918, not having served overseas.

Nell McGinty was born August 1898 and in 1900 was living with her parents and four siblings in Tamaqua, Pennsylvania.  Two additional siblings had been added by 1910.  In 1920 Nell and her new husband were living at 4514 12th Street, Philadelphia, just a few blocks from where Mary and her family were living at the time.

By 1940 Nell and her husband were living in Birmingham, Michigan and by that time had three sons, Harry Jr. age 18, John age 17 and Frank age 15.  And by 1944 they were living in Atlanta where Nell died on April 4, 1971 and husband Harry died on November 21, 1974.

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